Genre : Action , Comedy , Advanture..hehe
Epiosde : 50
Tensou Sentai Goseiger is the 34th Super Sentai series produced by TOEI and aired on TV Asahi in Japan. The show started airing last February 14, 2010 and currently have 48 episodes.
Epiosde : 50
Tensou Sentai Goseiger is the 34th Super Sentai series produced by TOEI and aired on TV Asahi in Japan. The show started airing last February 14, 2010 and currently have 48 episodes.
Goseiger follows the story of five in-training Gosei Angels, namely: Alata and Eri of the Skick Tribe, Moune and Agri of the Landick Tribe and Hyde of the Seaick Tribe. They are training in Earth's surface while Warstar's Ryusei no Dereputa attacked the Heaven's Tower. Alata found out about the attack and confronted Dereputa but he failed and deeply wounded.
With the Heaven's Tower destroyed, the five Gosei Angels cannot go back to the Gosei World and just decided to protect Earth from the Warstars. The first two weeks of Goseiger focused on their first battle with the Warstars and the acquisition of the GoseiGreat.
Tensou Sentai Goseiger the first sentai in this decade that utilize silver lips on their helmets, after Mirai Sentai Timeranger in 2000. This made this sentai to have an oldies vibe in it
With the Heaven's Tower destroyed, the five Gosei Angels cannot go back to the Gosei World and just decided to protect Earth from the Warstars. The first two weeks of Goseiger focused on their first battle with the Warstars and the acquisition of the GoseiGreat.
Tensou Sentai Goseiger the first sentai in this decade that utilize silver lips on their helmets, after Mirai Sentai Timeranger in 2000. This made this sentai to have an oldies vibe in it
Download here: Tensou_Sentai_Goseiger_48_[T-N].avi
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.:" Thanks kyoshi_sousuke! ":.
.:" Thanks kyoshi_sousuke! ":.
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